What makes WAHA different?

The people you meet, the experiences you have, the skills you develop and the way you step into yourself when you’re at camp are with you for life and shape who you are.

For us, it always comes back to one question. What kind of camp do we want our kids to grow up at? Because that’s the kind of camp we want your kids to grow up at.

It comes down to a few fundamentals. These core areas of focus are what we invest in and what we remain committed to. They are ultimately, what makes Waha, WAHA, and what makes us stand out.

Camper Care

We know our kids. From their perspectives. In big ways and quiet moments, they share and show us who they are, what they’re passionate about and what makes camp great for them. We notice and note every detail. And we incorporate all that knowledge into creating the kinds of experiences that make “it” happen for every single kid.

Our formalized camper care program is run by a team of experienced education leaders and camp professionals. They meet with the staff of every cabin once a week to discuss what has been going on and how the kids are doing. They are then able to translate what the staff see, observe and learn into camper development opportunities and strategies.


See how our camper care philosophy comes to life at camp.

  • Video Thumbnail
    It Starts At Sign Up
  • Video Thumbnail
  • Video Thumbnail
    We Know Our Kids
  • Video Thumbnail
    Building Trust
  • Video Thumbnail
    Thrive & Grow
  • Video Thumbnail
    Creating Safe Connections
  • Video Thumbnail
    Seeing Kids Clearly

Cabin Culture

We emphasize the cabin-based experience. Bringing kids together to create a home and a family gives them a unique opportunity to figure out who they are, find their voice and experience a true sense of belonging. The dynamics of living together, navigating conflict, solving problems, having fun and celebrating accomplishments helps them understand and practice the fundamentals of relating.


Leadership Team

Several members of our leadership team grew up at WAHA or worked at different camps. They are lifelong, professional camp people, joined by experienced educators and invested parents. The best practices that inform the Wahanowin experience are a product of their experiential learning and diverse perspectives. Our leadership approach centres on thoughtful consideration, discernment, consistency and integrity.



Our goal is to always improve. We aren’t limited on what’s possible for Wahanowin. For us, running a good, quality camp requires investment in strategy, infrastructure, operations and staffing. We have developed a five-year strategic plan that guides our growth. We have made significant investments in the physical site and core infrastructure of camp including upgrading and/or adding new landscaping (50 (and counting) trees planted along the central camp road), tennis courts, pickleball courts, ball hockey court, docks for every waterfront activity, shaded pavilion in main camp, new porches for main camp cabins and the tuck shop. We have also brought on a full-time Head of Camper Care to oversee daily camper wellbeing and development, cabin dynamics and staff training programs.



Aspiring actor? Pickleball pro? Dance diva? Surf sensation? Tennis ace? Whatever your passion, you can pursue it at camp. We offer more than 25 activities, ranging from water activities and racquet/team sports to art, dance and drama. Some of our signature activities include trapeze, water skiing, pickleball/tennis, ball hockey, basketball and water park. We hire experienced specialists to run our activity areas, and kids have the chance to develop and progress their skills through levels during the summer.


Camp Life