When I say P, you say G!

PGs is easily one of the best summers at camp. You’ve graduated from Grads, where Grove living was new, and you didn’t know what to expect. Now you know what you have to look forward to. Want to know why PGs is so awesome? Check out the photos, videos and camper stories here.

As a PG camper, you really get to do camp. Whether you want to get to that next level at your favourite activity, make the intercamp teams, get the lead in the play, volunteer for special programs or be that person that really brings everybody together in your cabin, PGs is your time to shine.

Special programs are even more amazing as a PG. You’ll be one of the older kids on your PG/Grad colour war team, encouraging and inspiring your younger Grad teammates to really go for it. Grove-wide socials throughout the summer bring all the older units together to party and dance. Grocial is so much fun! And then of course there’s Dance Intercamp, the W tournament, Airbands and all the competitions of the summer you can get really into! Be sure to pack your grey coloured clothes to show your PG spirit!


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