Your last (and best!)
year as a camper

LTP! The Village! The epic hiking trip! Incredible outings! This is THE summer. This is when you can take everything you’ve learned at camp — about yourself, about what you can do, about being a great friend and cabin mate, about being a leader — to the next level. Want to know how great LTP year is? Check out the photos, videos and camper stories here.

While you’re still part of a tight cabin unit that does a lot together, you also get more choice in how you spend your time. Love tennis? Want to finally master that wakesurf trick? Looking to bball a lot more? You get the freedom to do camp your way like you never have before.

Being a big buddy to a BB/Bear or Eagle camper is probably the most rewarding thing you do LTP summer. Your little buddy looks up to you. You can share your experiences about all the things you’ve done and learned at camp, helping them build confidence and a true love for camp.


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