A safe and healthy

Health is everything at camp. Kids need every ounce of their energy and vitality to get the most out of camp. With full schedules of fun and close quarters, it’s natural that minor health issues may arise during the summer. Our health team is available 24/7 to care for kids no matter what arises. We are fortunate to have experienced physicians (and some are even WAHA alumni!) who are committed to the health and wellbeing of every camper.

The Health Centre

Our Health Centre is located in main camp and is open 24/7. The camp doctor holds one or two sick calls per day (after meals) when kids can come to be seen if they aren’t feeling well. Our amazing camp nurses are always available in the health centre to provide care, and the doctor is always on call and reachable outside of sick call hours. The doctor can provide basic medications and prescriptions, which are filled quickly in town. In the event of an emergency, there is a hospital 15 minutes away from camp.


Meds at camp

Our nursing team oversees and administers any regular medications that campers need during their stay at camp. All meds are stored safely in the health centre. Our nurses manage the medications for every camper that requires them and ensure that campers are taking their meds on schedule. For campers with severe allergies, we do everything possible to mitigate any possible instances of contamination. If an allergic event does occur, we have a response plan in place and a large store of EpiPens on site.


Mental health at camp

Most of the time, living away from home in a cabin with your besties for the summer is awesome, but there are inevitably times when campers may struggle with social dynamics or heightened emotions. It’s natural, and we maintain an open and compassionate space at camp for kids to share if they are struggling with something.

Our Managers of Camper Care are career educators and camp professionals who are skilled at supporting kids in emotionally difficult or stressful situations. For any camper requiring additional support, our Camper Care team is available to listen and problem solve collaboratively. The team holds weekly check-ins with the staff from every cabin across camp, so they are aware of everything going on and can provide extra support for kids that may need it.


The Health Team

Over many years, we have been extremely fortunate for the expert and professional support from members of our Health Centre Team. This Team has provided sound advice, guidance and have been instrumental in helping navigate our path toward a safe and healthy summer – every summer.

Dr. Herbert Brill, MD, MBA

Herbert joined McMaster University in 2007 in the Division of Gastroenterology & Nutrition and is currently Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics and Medical Lead for the Celiac Clinic and Hepatology Clinic at McMaster Children’s Hospital. He has been part of the Health Centre Team for many years and is passionate about being at camp with his 4 kids!

Dr. Jordan Carr, MD

For more than 20 years, Jordan has been a hospital-based pediatrician looking after both acute and chronic conditions working out of North York General and Scarborough General Hospital. As a long time Wahanowin alumni, Jordan is 
proud to be part of camp’s Health Centre Team and looking forward to ensuring summers are fun and safe for everyone.


Mara is so excited to be back at Camp Wahanowin for her collective 17th season. Mara is an active clinician in the Department of Pediatrics at St. Joseph’s Health Centre and has a private practice in midtown Toronto. Camp has been an integral part of Mara’s life, and it is where she met her 
husband and has three daughters at camp! They have made wonderful memories at camp, and can’t wait to make many more for years to come!

Dr. Samantha Gerber, MB, BCh, BAO

Sam is a pediatric endocrinologist working at SickKids, Peel Memorial Hospital, as well as a private clinic in Vaughan. She also works as a general pediatrician in the Pediatric Urgent Care Clinic at Mackenzie Health. Being a camp Dr has been her dream since her first summer as a WAHA camper in 2001. This will be her 12th summer at camp.

Dr. Karen Swirsky, MD

When Karen is not at camp, she’s catching babies at St. Michael’s Hospital in downtown Toronto or taking care of families at the family practice clinic across the street. When Karen is not in the Health Centre, she loves to be out and about in camp and integrating into the FUN! She is so excited to be at camp with her family and continuing her forever 
dream of being a camp doctor!