Your cabin. Your people. Your home.
At Wahanowin, we emphasize the cabin-based experience. You spend the majority of your time with your cabin group, making it a core part of your identity at camp. Being part of a cabin helps you discover your independence. It helps you learn to take care of yourself. It helps you figure out how to solve problems. It brings you together with people that become lifelong friends.

The total number of cabins in camp
All Grove cabins renovated and upgraded
Will kick-off of a multi-year plan to renovate and update all main camp cabins
First year older campers started living in the Grove.

Cabin love = camp love
For many campers, their cabin is why they love camp. Your cabinmates are the ones who cheer you on when you think you can’t do it, who sing, dance and act silly with you and who are always there with a hug if you feel sad or scared. It’s a special connection and an unbreakable bond that’s unique to camp. Your cabin is your little community in the bigger camp community.

Get to know our
What’s it like living in a cabin at Wahanowin? Here’s what you can expect:

“I can trust my cabin friends way more than I can at home because I think we have such a bigger connection seeing them everyday as we live together and go to everything together which is the best part.”